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GMiner 2.78 added LHR unlock for RTX 3050 on Ethash (standard lhr setting for this card is 58%). Due to its unique development and stability, the miner has become a favorite on Equihash algorithms in just six months. The miner is focused on NVIDIA and AMD platforms and supports most popular algorithms such as: Ethash, ProgPoW, KAWPOW, Equihash, CuckooCycle. GMiner maintains the leading position in mining coins such as Beam, Grin, Cortex, Bitcoin Gold. In 2020, the miner added support for Ethash, ProgPoW and KAWPOW algorithms with high performance relative to competitors. …
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Nanominer is a versatile cryptocurrency mining tool based on Ethash, Ubqhash, Cuckoo Cycle (Сortex coin), RandomX (Monero), KawPow (Ravencoin) and RandomHash (PascalCoin) algorithms. The latest version of nanominer was built
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CryptoDredge 0.23.0 – New stable miner with various optimization technologies. CryptoDredge places great emphasis on sustainable power consumption. These benefits, as well as a small fee, make this miner one