- Cryptocurrency Mining | Flashing and Overclocking GPU | Guide | Mining on AMD GPU | Mining on NVIDIA GPU | Software | Useful Software
Polaris Bios Editor is a tool with simple settings to tweak the bios of AMD GPUs. New version of PBE 3 Pro with improved performance timings, automatic overclocking and reduced voltage (energy saving), ETH, XMR (CN), as well as special timings to increase mining speed for all miners. PBE 3 PRO recognizes and applies custom performance timings for more memory types (compared to PBE 1.6.7), such as H5GC8H24MJ and H5GQ4H24AJ, timings for this type are also available for mining ETH or XMR, you just choose the one you need . …
Continue ReadingPolarisBiosEditor 1.7.6 (AMD GPUs): Download and Configure PBE for Windows
In 2018, AMD released a beta version of new graphics card drivers – AMD Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition for Blockchain Compute. The software turned out to be quite successful, as it differs in the number of useful features … Today we will look at the main features and functions of this driver. …
Continue ReadingDownload Driver AMD Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition for Blockchain Compute
Polaris Bios Editor 3 Pro is a tool with simple settings for modding the BIOS of AMD GPUs. The new version of PBE 3 Pro with improved performance timings, automatic
Continue ReadingPolarisBiosEditor 3 PRO: Modify AMD GPU BIOS (Download PBE Crack)
AMD Memory Tweak XL – tool for optimizing AMD GPU VRAM performance Modifying the BIOS of an AMD video card with other operating frequencies or improved memory timings, and then
Continue ReadingAMD Memory Tweak XL – Tool for optimizing AMD GPU VRAM performance
We have prepared a short and easy to use guide that will help you get started and save you the trouble of mining CryptoNight with AMD Radeon RX Vega. …
Step-by-Step Setup AMD Radeon Vega 56 / Vega 64 – This guide summarizes what I have found that works and integrates, step by step, the details that you also need
Continue ReadingSetting up AMD Radeon VEGA 56/64 for cryptocurrency mining
Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU) — completely removes video card drivers from the system, including their entries in the registry, files and folders, as well as registration keys. DDU removes video
Continue ReadingDisplay Driver Uninstaller (DDU): Uninstalling drivers GPUs Nvidia & AMD.
Polaris BIOS Editor – This is a program for setting BIOS timings for AMD video cards. This is necessary to increase the performance of the video card in mining and
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It’s not a secret for all of us that AMD Radeon graphics cards are very popular among cryptocurrency miners. Especially for them, the programmers of Radeon Technologies Group prepared a new driver package for AMD Blockchain Drivers, which is designed to improve the performance of farms based on AMD Radeon GPUs. …