Implementation of Sharding technology from the TERA blockchain platform

Implementation of Sharding technology from the TERA blockchain platform

The TERA blockchain team has almost completed the implementation of SHARDING technology using the POW consensus on its platform. The essence of this implementation is to create a cross-sharing network from an almost infinite number of shards (blockchains) combined into a common blockchain.

The top-level blockchain consists only of hashes of shards. Its purpose is to cement the states of shard hashes – the impossibility of rolling blocks back.

Each shard is decentralized and has independent emission and mining within its network. Moreover, any miner can participate in the mining not only of his own shard, but also of any shard in the TERA cross-sharing network.

To transfer values between shards (blockchains), transactions are used, which are calls to the functions of smart contracts with the sign of cross-sharding. Such a transaction calls a function in two shards at once.

To transfer values between shards (blockchains), transactions are used, which are calls to the functions of smart contracts with the sign of cross-sharding. Such a transaction calls a function in two shards at once.

If he wants to send funds to another shard, he writes the name of the shard and a colon before the recipient’s account number. For example, BNB: 198678. This means that the wallet should automatically send funds to a special smart contract, which is a gateway with BNB shard.

It is possible to achieve infinite scalability through the optional use of trust in the validation of shards. But unlike other blockchains, such a trust system does not have problems with decentralization, and if the miner set a trust group and made a mistake, the network will not suffer from this, as other miners have different trust groups.

You can read in more detail in the concept published on the project website.

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