It has been a long time since sp released open source and free code for a faster miner, but better late than never. The latest Raven x16r / x16s Spmod-git # 5 promises a 10% increase in performance compared to the previous version for the X16R and X16S algorithms thanks to the numerous optimizations of the algorithms used, such as echo, shabal, simd, sha512, fugue, shavite, grostl and skank B Support for higher intensity values has also been added to the latest version, so you can experiment with this to possibly increase performance. The Github repository has only the official Windows binary, 32-bit CUDA 9.2, so if you need anything else, you will need to compile it from the source code yourself.
Comparing the performance of the new Raven x16r / x16s Spmod-git # 5 miner with the recently released z-enemy miner, it is still a bit slower. It may be consistent with the hash rate of the previous release 1.12 of the z-enemy, but you should not forget that the z-enemy miner is closed source and has a built-in 1% development fee, although, surprisingly, the Raven x16r / x16s Spmod miner -git # 5 is free, open source and with no development fees.
faster X16R/X16S +10% ( Optimalizations to echo.shabal, simd,sha512,fugue,shavite,groestl,skein)
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