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This guide covers how to run and use BzMiner latest version v12.2.0 and above. …
Continue ReadingBzMiner 12.2.0 (LHR): Download and configure for mining ETH, ETC, RVN
T-Rex Miner 0.25.2 is a universal program for mining cryptocurrencies on Nvidia cards. It supports many algorithms, and we, as developers, try our best to make it as fast and user-friendly as possible for users. Developer fee is 1% (2% for Octopus, Autolykos2 and their dual-mining modes). Works on both Linux and Windows. Supports algorithms: KAWPOW MTP Mtp-Tcr ProgPOW Tensority Etchash Ethash ProgPOWZ progpow-veriblock progpow-veil octopus autolykos2 Multiple …
Continue ReadingT-REX MINER 0.25.2: Added ETH+ALPH dual mining mode for LHR cards
TeamBlackMiner or TBM is a miner that maintains a leading position in mining coins such as Ethereum, Ethereum Classic and Zilliqa. The developer commission for Ethereum and Ethereum Classic is
Continue ReadingTeamBlackMiner v1.29: AMD/NVIDIA Ethash, Etchash, Verthash Miner
BzMiner is a cryptocurrency miner that supports Ethash and Etchash hashing algorithms. The program has a low developer fee – 0.5%, customizable display of information output, monitors the temperature of
Continue ReadingBzMiner 4.7 GUI: Download and configure Ethash/Etchash Miner for AMD/NVIDIA
PhoenixMiner 5.8c PhoenixMiner is a high performance Ethereum (ETH) and ERC20, Ubqhash, ProgPOW, Etchash miner with full support for Windows x64 and Linux x64 systems. PhoenixMiner is one of the
Continue ReadingPhoenixMiner 5.8c: Download Ethash Ubqhash ProgPOW Etchash Miner