- Cryptocurrency Mining | Guide | Mining on Antminer (ASIC) | Review | Software | Software for Antminer (ASIC) | Useful Software
BTC Tools is a tool to scan, configure, reboot and update most Antminer, WhatsMiner, Innosilicon or Avalon ASICs. The utility includes ip address scanner, monitoring, batch management of overclocking of miners. …
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AntProxy is a simple software solution for ASIC mining farms to help maximize your connection to AntPool. This software helps save bandwidth and improve connection stability, avoiding problems associated with poor connection efficiency. …
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BTC Tools is a batch management tool for your miners. The latest version for windows can be downloaded here,(Click for Linux version) …
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NPlusMiner is a program that monitors mining pools in real time to find the most profitable algorithm. It is a computer program with a user interface (GUI) that simplifies the use of mining software, making it accessible to any user. The platform has an application for Windows that allows you to use the computing power of your computer to receive cryptocurrency. …
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Because the value of Bitcoin is falling, the mining equipment has begun to operate at a loss. Electricity costs are rising and profits are falling. As Bitdeer points out, some equipment, like Antminer, that was produced in 2019 has stopped making a profit. So far, devices such as Antminer S19 and Whatsminer M30S+ and Antminer S19j are profitable. …
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APMinerTool – This is a set of tools for managing and monitoring mining of Antminer farms, which also disables functions such as updating firmware, restarting miners, scanning IP addresses of
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Virus on ASIC (Antminer) – how to detect and cure Cryptocurrencies have always beckoned hackers with their impregnability, but hot interest has still forced them to find ways to cheat
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I just want to share with you the “Antminer Monitor” that I am developing. You can check out the source code at https://github.com/anselal/antminer-monitor. It is based on Flask, a python
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Awesome Miner is available for download. Awesome Miner Ultimate is a powerful software designed for users interested in managing, monitoring and mining Bitcoin and all other popular cryptocurrencies. Awesome Miner
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Announcing BFGMiner 5.5, the modular cryptocurrency miner written in C. BFGMiner features dynamic clocking, monitoring, and remote interface capabilities. “St. Barbara’s Faithfully Glorified Mining Initiative Naturally Exceeding Rivals”, or just basically a freaking good miner. This code is provided entirely free of charge by the programmer, so donations would be greatly appreciated. …
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