Z-ENEMY v2.6.2 (DevFee 1%): NVIDIA GPU CUDA miner for Windows


Z-ENEMY v2.6.2 is a closed source software, available only in binary version, supporting only Nvidia, as well as a built-in developer reward of 1% to support further software development ( Dev Fee 1% ).

The latest version of Z-ENEMY 2.6.2 is available for Nvidia CUDA 9.1, 9.2, 10.0 and 10.1 for 64-bit versions of Windows and Linux. Make sure you have the latest video driver installed for the version of CUDA that you want to use – 388+ for 9.1, 397+ for 9.2 and 411 or newer for CUDA 10.0 or the latest versions for CUDA 10.1.

Kawpow (RavenCoin):

  • Fixed compatibility with Nicehash, Miningpoolhub and some other pools (“epoch initialization failed” error).
  • Fixed crash while trying to load json config files in Ubuntu 16 based distributions (HiveOS 4)
  • Temporarily disabled environment variables in json config files in Ubuntu 16 based distributions (HiveOS 4)

First time or troubleshooting kawpow:

  • First time users – all ver. 2.02+ works on Cuda 9.x &Cuda 10.x and it is recommended to make sure you’ve updated your NVIDIA drivers. You can find drivers here: http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx ver., min ver.398+++
  • Next important thing is intensity. We recommend intensity for start -19 or 20,(21 for 20×0) at first.
  • kawpow algo using +cc&+mem , but use no OC at first until you verify stability…

Please note miners are often marked as malware by antivirus programs. This is not so, they are marked simply because they are cryptocurrency miners. If you do not trust the software, do not use it!

Zealot/Enemy HTTP JSON API Reference

Starting with version 2.0 and above, the miner comes with built-in HTTP JSON API server and web control panel. When the miner is started, the server is automatically started, accessible with your browser at (or http://localhost:4067 if you wish). You can specify any external IP address using –api-bind-http=addr:port If you want to disable it use –api-bind-http=0

There are also few API methods returning json-formatted data available.

  1. Shares history: http://localhost:4067/history
  2. Current pool info: http://localhost:4067/poolinfo
  3. GPU hardware info: http://localhost:4067/hwinfo
  4. Summary (optionally includes gpu info and pool info): http://localhost:4067/summary?poolinfo=1 (summary with current pool info) http://localhost:4067/summary?gpuinfo=1 ( summary with gpu info) http://localhost:4067/summary (short summary, no pool or gpu info)
  5. Remote quit (or restart, if you start the miner in the loop): http://localhost:4067/quit

More detailed information about these methods (everything below are GET methods only)

HISTORY (http://localhost:4067/history) – outputs the array of the last 100 shares submitted.

Output example:

[{“id”:1, “gpu_id”:0, “height”:716954, “hashrate”:35269128.19, “ping”:793, “difficulty”:152577.397563, “ts”:1558426499}, { … }, … { … }]


"id":1, 			- share number
"gpu_id":0,			- GPU ID (the one which found the nonce)
"height":716954,		- block number
"hashrate":35269128.19, 	- GPU's speed in hashes per second
"ping":793,			- pool response time (ping) in milliseconds
"difficulty":152577.397563, 	- network difficulty
"ts":1558426499,		- time, the number of seconds since 1 January 1970 (UNIX timestamp)

POOLINFO (http://localhost:4067/poolinfo) – outputs the data about the current pool session.

Output example:

{“url”: “stratum+tcp://pool.minermore.com:4403”, “user”: “RFAV6gtcwFDfTQkumUgkQ9YBvLW56M8”, “solved_count”: 0, “accepted_count”:513, “rejected_count”:1, “job_height”:716981, “best_share_diff”:180.015057, “ping”:233, “retries”:0, “last_share”:2}


"url": "stratum+tcp://rvn.antpool.com:9003"	- information about the pool where the miner is connected
"user": "RFAV6gtcwFDfTQkumUgkQ9YBvLW56M8",	- the address of your vallet/username
"solved_count": 0,				- the number of blocks found by the miner
"accepted_count":513,				- number of shares accepted by the pool
"rejected_count":1,				- the number of shares rejected by the pool
"best_share_diff":180.015057			- best share difficulty you have found so far
"ping":233,					- current ping in milliseconds
"retries":0,					- the number of connection attempts in case of loss of connection
"last_share":2					- time in seconds after the last share

HWINFO (http://localhost:4067/hwinfo) – outputs the array with detailed information about the GPUs

Output example:

[{“dev_id”:1, “bus_id”:5, “name”:”MSI GTX 1080 Ti”, “vendor”:”MSI”, “shader_model”:610, “memory_size”:11264, “intensity”:21, “temperature”:63, “fan_speed”:95, “gpu_clock”:1657500, “memory_clock”:5505000, “power”:226493, “hashrate”:30632261}, { … }, … { … }]


"dev_id":1,			- GPU number # in the system
"name":"MSI GTX 1080 Ti",	- the name of the GPU model
"vendor":"MSI",			- the manufacturer of the video card
"shader_model":610,		- unified shader model (6.1)
"memory_size":11264,		- memory size, in megabytes
"intensity":21,			- current intensity, set by user
"temperature":63		- current GPU temperature (Celsius degree)
"fan_speed":95,			- current speed of the cooling fans, in percent
"gpu_clock":1657500,		- current GPU clock
"memory_clock":5505000,		- curent device memory clock
"power":226493,			- current GPU # energy consumption in milliwatts	
"hashrate":30632261		- current GPU # speed in hashes per second

SUMMARY – http://localhost:4067/summary?poolinfo=1&gpuinfo=1 full and detailed information from the current process of mining In addition to the information described above, there are also (Example and explanations):

Output example:

{"name":"zealot", "version":"enemy-2.0", "api":"1.0", "algorithm": "x16r", "gpu_count":5, "hashrate": 66369273, "active_pool": { ... }. "gpuinfo": [{ ... }]}


"name": "zealot",		- miner name
"version": "enemy-2.0",		- miner version
"api": "1.0",			- HTTP API version
"algorithm": "x16r",		- currnet mining algo	
"gpu_count": 5,			- total number of used GPUs
"hashrate": 66369273,		- average hashrate for all GPUs
"active_pool": { ... }          - same as POOLINFO, see above (only included if poolinfo=1)
"gpus": [{ ... }]               - same as HWINFO, see above (only included if gpuinfo=1)

If you don’t want to have gpu info or pool info included, don’t set poolinfo and/or gpuinfo to 1 when calling

QUIT – http://localhost:4067/quit

Allows to remotely quit/restart the miner if command line –api-remote option was specified.

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