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This guide covers how to run and use BzMiner latest version v12.2.0 and above. …
Continue ReadingBzMiner 12.2.0 (LHR): Download and configure for mining ETH, ETC, RVN
Tim Red Miner is mainly used for mining Ethereum. Learn more about how to mine Ethereum on video cards in Window: …
Continue ReadingTeamRedMiner 0.10.7 – Ergo+Kaspa dual mining added
As of January 25, 2021, more than 3 thousand people mine cryptocurrency on 2Miners – and this is a lot. T-Rex allows you to dig this and other coins on Nvidia video cards. Let’s get acquainted with the miner and its features closer. …
Continue ReadingT-Rex Miner 0.26.8: How to set up for mining Ethash, Kawpow, MTP?
GMiner 2.78 added LHR unlock for RTX 3050 on Ethash (standard lhr setting for this card is 58%). Due to its unique development and stability, the miner has become a favorite on Equihash algorithms in just six months. The miner is focused on NVIDIA and AMD platforms and supports most popular algorithms such as: Ethash, ProgPoW, KAWPOW, Equihash, CuckooCycle. GMiner maintains the leading position in mining coins such as Beam, Grin, Cortex, Bitcoin Gold. In 2020, the miner added support for Ethash, ProgPoW and KAWPOW algorithms with high performance relative to competitors. …
Continue ReadingGMINER 2.78: Added LHR unlock for RTX 3050 on Ethash
T-Rex Miner 0.25.2 is a universal program for mining cryptocurrencies on Nvidia cards. It supports many algorithms, and we, as developers, try our best to make it as fast and user-friendly as possible for users. Developer fee is 1% (2% for Octopus, Autolykos2 and their dual-mining modes). Works on both Linux and Windows. Supports algorithms: KAWPOW MTP Mtp-Tcr ProgPOW Tensority Etchash Ethash ProgPOWZ progpow-veriblock progpow-veil octopus autolykos2 Multiple …
Continue ReadingT-REX MINER 0.25.2: Added ETH+ALPH dual mining mode for LHR cards
TeamBlackMiner or TBM is a miner that maintains a leading position in mining coins such as Ethereum, Ethereum Classic and Zilliqa. The developer commission for Ethereum and Ethereum Classic is
Continue ReadingTeamBlackMiner v1.29: AMD/NVIDIA Ethash, Etchash, Verthash Miner
BzMiner is a cryptocurrency miner that supports Ethash and Etchash hashing algorithms. The program has a low developer fee – 0.5%, customizable display of information output, monitors the temperature of
Continue ReadingBzMiner 4.7 GUI: Download and configure Ethash/Etchash Miner for AMD/NVIDIA
PhoenixMiner 5.8c PhoenixMiner is a high performance Ethereum (ETH) and ERC20, Ubqhash, ProgPOW, Etchash miner with full support for Windows x64 and Linux x64 systems. PhoenixMiner is one of the
Continue ReadingPhoenixMiner 5.8c: Download Ethash Ubqhash ProgPOW Etchash Miner
Nanominer is a versatile cryptocurrency mining tool based on Ethash, Ubqhash, Cuckoo Cycle (Сortex coin), RandomX (Monero), KawPow (Ravencoin) and RandomHash (PascalCoin) algorithms. The latest version of nanominer was built
Continue ReadingNanominer v1.9.6: Download GPU/CPU miner Ethash, RandomX, KawPow, Ubqhash
GitHub: DOWNLOAD GMiner v2.19 [AMD/NVIDIA] Gminer is a well-known miner that is in demand in the community. Its main advantage is the support of many algorithms and, accordingly, cryptocurrencies. We
Continue ReadingGMiner v2.19 [AMD/NVIDIA] Download and Configure for Windows & Linux.