The Windows Phoenix BIOS Editor application has a simple interface to modify PhoenixBIOS Rel. 6 and then there is no need to reinstall the BIOS afterwards. It supports unpacking, replacing and repackaging components in the BIOS image and also allows you to change settings and modify the application for the actual BIOS itself. …
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An update to Rigel’s 1.3.5 miner was recently released, bringing it to the top of the list for NEXA mining performance after it briefly lost its lead with the recent release of lolMiner 1.67, which also brought significant hash rate improvements to the nexapow mining algorithm. …
lolMiner 1.66 is the latest version of the miner, offering many features that make mining easier than ever. With this release you get access to new algorithms, higher hash rates, greater efficiency, improved performance and most importantly – exclusive access to support for the NEXA algorithm to increase your mining power. …
Continue ReadingThe latest version of lolMiner 1.66 adds support for NEXA
This guide covers how to run and use BzMiner latest version v12.2.0 and above. …
Continue ReadingBzMiner 12.2.0 (LHR): Download and configure for mining ETH, ETC, RVN
Tim Red Miner is mainly used for mining Ethereum. Learn more about how to mine Ethereum on video cards in Window: …
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It is impossible to mine cryptocurrency without special programs. Therefore, we recommend that you pay attention to one of the best programs and download SRBMiner multi . The software works with video cards from AMD Radeon, supporting most of the versions released by this manufacturer: from VEGA to RX and R9. The program supports different cryptocurrency mining algorithms. It is especially popular with Ethereum miners. …
Continue ReadingSRBMiner Multi 1.1.4: Download and Configure for mining ETH+Kaspa
As of January 25, 2021, more than 3 thousand people mine cryptocurrency on 2Miners – and this is a lot. T-Rex allows you to dig this and other coins on Nvidia video cards. Let’s get acquainted with the miner and its features closer. …
Continue ReadingT-Rex Miner 0.26.8: How to set up for mining Ethash, Kawpow, MTP?
TeamRedMiner TRM 0.10.0 is an optimized miner for AMD GPUs and Xilinx FPGAs created by todxx and kerney666. We decided to release public beta 0.10.0 to collect more user feedback without running automatic updates on mining distributions. The main reason is that we still have some unusual configurations that do not respond properly to the new R mode. When it works as intended, which is about 95-97% of all the installations we tested on, everything works very well. If you are not using the new R mode or are a Windows miner, you still have the benefit of using this new version to overwrite the “smooth power” described below. …
Continue ReadingTeamRedMiner TRM 0.10.0: Download Ethash R-mode release for AMD cards
The latest version of NiceHash QuickMiner (Excavator) is the first mining software to fully unlock Nvidia LHR graphics cards for Ethereum (ETH) mining. Please note that currently all Nvidia RTX
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GMiner 2.78 added LHR unlock for RTX 3050 on Ethash (standard lhr setting for this card is 58%). Due to its unique development and stability, the miner has become a favorite on Equihash algorithms in just six months. The miner is focused on NVIDIA and AMD platforms and supports most popular algorithms such as: Ethash, ProgPoW, KAWPOW, Equihash, CuckooCycle. GMiner maintains the leading position in mining coins such as Beam, Grin, Cortex, Bitcoin Gold. In 2020, the miner added support for Ethash, ProgPoW and KAWPOW algorithms with high performance relative to competitors. …
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